What is the 85th Percentile Speed?

    The 85th percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85 per cent of the drivers will operate with open roads and favorable conditions. This is also referred to as the Operating Speed.

    What is the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)?

    The total volume of vehicle traffic on a highway or road for a year divided by 365 days. AADT is a useful and simple measurement of how busy a road is.

    What is a Collector Classification Road?

    Collectors are roads that connect local roads and streets with arterial roads. Collectors provide less mobility than arterial roads at lower speeds and for shorter distances. They balance mobility with land access. The posted speed limit on collectors is usually between 40 km/h and 50 km/h.

    What is a Local Classification Road?

    A local road, is a road in a built environment that has all kinds of properties beside it which can be accessed from the road. Different types of local roads include residential streets, avenues, and alleys. They have the lowest speed limits and capacities in the hierarchy, but have the highest access to property.

    What is a Collector Type Road Speed Hump?

    Similar to Local Type Road Speed Hump with the exception that it has a flat top section three metres long between the two halves of the Local Speed Hump, with the purpose of limiting the effects on emergency, maintenance, and transit vehicles.

    What is a Speed Cushion?

    A raised area of a roadway, similar to a speed hump, but does not cover the entire width of the road. The width, is designed to allow a large vehicle, such as a bus, to "straddle" the cushion, while light vehicles will have at least one side of the vehicle deflected upward.